Present Continuous- ćwiczenia

Present Continuous – ćwiczenia (zdania twierdzące)

Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą czasownika podanego w nawiasie.



#1. She …………………..………………….. [not sing] a song at the moment.

#2. We …………………..………………….. [not send] Christmas gifts today.

#3. They …………………..………………….. [not run] a lot these days.

#4. Currently, I …………………..………………….. [not ride] my bike because it’s broken.

#5. Your father …………………..………………….. [not read] a newspaper now.

#6. The phone …………………..………………….. [not ring] at the moment.

#7. The taxi driver …………………..………………….. [not put] the suitcase into the trunk.

#8. Josh …………………..………………….. [not meet] his lawyer next week.

#9. I hope you …………………..………………….. [not make] a mistake now.

#10. Don’t worry, I…………………..………………….. [not lose] my temper yet. 


Inne ćwiczenia z czasu Present Simple z wersją w PDF do wydruku:

Present Continuous – ćwiczenia (zdania twierdzące)

Present Continuous – ćwiczenia (pytania) 

Present Continuous – ćwiczenia (wszystkie formy)

Ćwiczenia z innych czasów

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